Tobacco-Free Generation is a social movement that re-balances the landscape of teenage smoking and vaping addiction. It started after the concept was published and recognised as an international Tobacco Control Endgame (2011). Thereafter, an international education ecosystem was started from 2012. Since then, thousands of youths from different countries want to be the better educated, Tobacco-Free Generation that do not become ‘replacement smokers’ to the tobacco industry.
International organisations and tobacco control experts have also written independently to endorse the concept and social movement. By 2016/2017, we successfully helped create the world’s first Tobacco Free Generation law. Our increasing global traction is because TFGiEndgame overcomes the many blind spots that have been holding the world back from eradicating nicotine addiction effectively over the past decades.

With this TFG education ecosystem, our experience is that every stakeholder group across any society has a much clearer perspective and supports TFG. Youths, having learnt TFG, become the generation that say ‘NO’ to cigarettes/vaping and are able to look after themselves and their peers better.

Two arguments against TFG in the past : 1. “..could buy overseas, get older relative or friend to buy” 2. “Enforcement is challenging”
Think about it a bit more : these possible scenarios exist with the current minimum age law where it is just as easy for anyone above 21 to buy and pass to those under 21. TFG is not any weaker...
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More of the same not likely to work: This study finds no evidence to indicate that global reduction of cigarette consumption has been accelerated by the FCTC treaty using either ITS or event modelling.
This null finding, combined with regional differences, should caution against complacency in the global tobacco control community, motivate greater implementation of proven tobacco control policies...
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