Once your new generations are educated better beyond just on harms of smoking and vaping, there will be no more demand for these products. Imagine the natural downstream rapid reduction of resources needed to treat smoking and vaping related diseases.

Youths are greater content creators of the tobacco prevention messages and naturally relate better to their peers. Below are two illustrations from Singapore and South Africa.

SINGAPORE: “A country called Smokerspore is transformed into a smoke-free Singapore!” This video is produced by youths, for youths. Here is an example of what TFG Endgame is (assuming that Singapore chooses to start TFG from the 2000 birth cohort onwards).

SOUTH AFRICA: The TFG narrative is more engaging when talking to any smoking parents. It is such social norm change that we want to achieve in any society. Stop blaming smoking parents as they were inadvertently addicted in their curious and experimental phase of their teenage years, when the minimum legal age law to smoke sent the wrong message that it is acceptable to smoke or vape on reaching an “adult” age.

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